Knovolo Mobile Marketing Reviews

Planting Vegetables with Microsoft Tag

June 23, 2011
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When I started working in the mobile sector, there was very little implementation of mobile technology in the United States. Sure, we’d all learned how to use T9 to type text messages faster, and my flip phone’s clunky browser was a good way to skim the headlines or read email. This was 2006: we’d gotten used to email and Skype, and the coolest new cell phone accessory was a wireless headset that connected to your mobile phone over Bluetooth.
Since then, an eon has passed in mobile technology development. However, I a still regularly surprised when I encounter mobile call to actions in new places … political campaigns, the Seattle Art Museum, and REI flyers, to name a few. Most recently, on a vegetable seed package.

Lowes Vegetable Package with Microsoft TagI was getting a personal tour of my mom’s flower garden when a pack of Kentucky Wonder Garden Beans caught my attention. At the bottom there was a Microsoft Tag and some instructions that read “For planting and care instructions, videos, and more, snap the code with your smart phone after downloading the free app …”.

This means that now gardeners like my mom can bring their mobile phone with them outside and tap into information about the seeds they’re planting. That’s a use case that we never came up with in our brainstorming sessions, and we like it!

Scanning this MS Tag takes you to, a nicely-constructed mobile webpage. It loads pretty quickly, displaying an image of the plant, some basic care and maintenance tips, and some excellent expandable sections near the bottom.

The Basics

Organization Lowe’s Hardware
Call to Action Scan Microsoft Tag on seed package for planting and care instructions.
Date Spring 2011
Mobile Technologies Used Microsoft Tag, mobile web

Mobile Technology Rating

Microsoft Tag This Microsoft Tag was well-placed, pointed to a mobile-optimized website, and had a helpful explanation next to it. There is much debate about whether Microsoft Tag or QR Codes are better to use, but by providing a relatively small URL to type in, Lowe’s clear an easy path around the MS Tag to the content for those who need it.
Mobile Website A+ to Lowe’s for their mobile plant guide website. In addition to a good look and consistent branding, the drop-down sections at the bottom of the page handle the load of information quite well. Having all of that copy appear on the first page load would make the page pretty long and tedious, but making it so that each user can view only sections that appeal is perfect. We’re docking one star, however, for how the site rendered on “feature” phones (non smartphones).
User Experience The user experience here was seamless. A quick MS Tag scan or manual entry of the URL ( takes the user to a mobile webpage that appears to perform extremely well on the average smartphone. It appears to contain all of the basic information you need to know before planting.
Had Lowe’s relied solely on the Microsoft Tag, the user experience would be much less seamless. Many smartphone users don’t have MS Tag, and adding the extra steps of downloading and installing the app can be prohibitive to accessing the information. By providing a URL (, however, Lowe’s allows any mobile device to get there rather easily.
Device Detection I wasn’t expecting to be mobile-friendly, a simple mistake that many have made in the past. I thus award extra stars for having this URL detect my mobile device and serve me a mobile-optimized webpage.

Final Rating: 5 stars


Lowe’s passed Knovolo’s mobile review with flying colors. There is very little to complain about here, as the device detection, mobile webpage optimization, Microsoft Tag incorporation, and URL presence appear to be the work of highly-trained professionals. However, something could be done for the feature phone users out there.

Learn more about mobile marketing at
Also, learn more about planting and caring for the Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean.

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